UN Documents for Arms Control and Disarmament, including small arms: General Assembly Documents
General Assembly Documents | Return to full list |
25 July 2016 A/71/187 | This was a report from the Secretary-General to the General Assembly on countering the threat posed by improvised explosive devices. |
9 December 2015 A/RES/70/80 | This was a General Assembly resolution on assistance in mine action. |
7 December 2015 A/RES/70/46 | This was a General Assembly resolution on countering the threat posed by improvised explosive devices. |
3 August 2015 A/70/207 | This was a Secretary-General's report to the General Assembly on assistance in mine action. |
29 June 2006 A/60/934 | This was a letter from Sweden to the Secretary-General enclosing the preface and some recommendations presented in the report of the Weapons of Mass Destruction Commission entitled “Weapons of Terror”. |
8 December 2005 A/RES/60/77 | This was on on the prevention of the illicit transfer and unauthorised access to and use of man-portable air-defence systems. |
16 September 2005 A/RES/60/1 | This was the 2005 World Summit Outcome Document. |
23 May 2005 A/59/2005/Add.2 | This was an explanatory note on the PBC proposal. |
21 March 2005 A/59/2005 | This was the Secretary-General's report In Larger Freedom: towards development, security and human rights for all. |
6 December 2004 A/59/565/Corr.1 | This was the corrigendum of the report of the High-Level Panel on Threats, Challenges and Change. |
3 December 2004 A/RES/59/90 | This was an agreement to prevent the illicit transfer and unauthorised access to and use of Man-Portable Air-Defence Systems (MANPADS). |
2 December 2004 A/59/565 | This was the report of the High-Level Panel on Threats, Challenges and Change. It noted, inter alia, the need to address climate change with new long-term strategies that go beyond the Kyoto Protocol. |
23 December 2003 A/RES/58/241 | This resolution was on the illicit trade in small arms and light weapons in all its aspects. |
22 December 2003 A/RES/58/138 | This resolution was on the preparations for the eleventh United Nations Congress on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice. |
7 December 1998 A/RES/53/92 | Pursuant to the report of the Secretary-General, "The Causes of Conflict and the Promotion of Durable Peace and Sustainable Development in Africa," which emphasised the importance of DDR in peacekeeping missions in Africa, the General Assembly established an Open-Ended Working Group to monitor the implementation of the recommendations contained therein. |