UN High Commissioner for Refugees
Tomorrow afternoon (30 May), the Security Council will convene for a briefing by UN High Commissioner for Refugees Filippo Grandi under the agenda item “Briefing by the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees”. Grandi is expected to provide an overview...
On Tuesday morning* (31 October), following the briefing on Ukraine, the Security Council will convene for a briefing by UN High Commissioner for Refugees Filippo Grandi under the agenda item “Briefing by the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees”. Grandi...
Tomorrow morning (July 13), Russia will convene a Security Council Arria-formula meeting titled “Migrants, Refugees and Asylum seekers crossing borders on Land and at Sea: New Wave of Crisis”. The Director of the International Protection Division of the Office of...
In November, UN High Commissioner for Refugees Filippo Grandi will brief the Council. The briefing will focus on the situation of refugees in several country-specific situations on the Council’s agenda. No outcome is expected.
Tomorrow (7 December), the Security Council will convene for a briefing by the UN High Commissioner for Refugees Filippo Grandi under the agenda item “Briefing by the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees”. Council members are expected to deliver statements...
In December, UN High Commissioner for Refugees Filippo Grandi will brief the Council. The briefing will focus on the situation of refugees in several country-specific situations on the Council’s agenda. No outcome is expected.
Tomorrow (18 June), Security Council members will hold an open videoconference (VTC) meeting, followed by a closed VTC session, with UN High Commissioner for Refugees Filippo Grandi. The meeting will take place under the agenda item “Briefing by the United...
In June, UN High Commissioner for Refugees Filippo Grandi will brief the Council via videoconference (VTC). He is expected to describe the situation of refugees in several country-specific cases on the Council’s agenda. In light of recent developments, he is also expected to address the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on refugee populations and discuss the work his agency is doing in this context. The briefing will take place under the agenda item “Briefing by the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees”, which allows for a general briefing by the High Commissioner without tying it to a specific situation on the Council agenda.
Tomorrow (24 June) Security Council members are expected to hold an Arria-formula meeting on: “Responding effectively to the needs of refugees, displaced persons and returnees: the role of the United Nations Security Council and its members.” The anticipated briefers are:...
In April, UN High Commissioner for Refugees Filippo Grandi will brief the Council. The briefing will take place under the agenda item “Briefing by the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees”, which allows for a general briefing by the High Commissioner without tying it to a specific situation on the Council agenda. No outcome is expected.
In November, UN High Commissioner for Refugees Filippo Grandi will brief the Council. He is expected to address the global refugee crisis and the displacement aspect of various conflicts on the Security Council agenda. The briefing will take place under the agenda item “Briefing by the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees”, which allows for a general briefing by the High Commissioner without tying it to a specific situation on the Council agenda. No outcome is expected.
The UN High Commissioner for Refugees (High Commissioner), António Guterres, is expected to brief the Council on 8 January. He will highlight significant refugee issues and situations involving widespread displacement and underline links with threats to international peace and security.