UN Documents for Peacekeeping

Selected Security Council Resolutions View All
21 December 2023 S/RES/2719 This was a resolution on the financing of African Union (AU)-led peace support operations (AUPSOs).
9 September 2021 S/RES/2594 This unanimously adopted resolution addressed the crucial role peace operations play in the pursuit of sustainable political solutions and building peace and emphasised the need for peace operations to engage at the earliest possible stage in integrated planning and coordination on transitions with the host state and other national stakeholders.
18 August 2021 S/RES/2589 This unanimously adopted resolution focused on facilitating accountability for crimes committed against peacekeepers, requested the Secretary-General include updates in his annual briefing to the Council on peacekeeping reform and called for the establishment of a comprehensive online database of crimes against UN peacekeepers.
Selected Security Council Presidential Statements View All
12 July 2022 S/PRST/2022/5 This presidential statement was on strategic communications in peacekeeping.
18 August 2021 S/PRST/2021/17 This presidential statement highlighted the significance of existing and new technologies in supporting not only the safety and security of peacekeepers but also the protection of civilians by enabling effective and timely decision-making, including through early warning and response.
24 May 2021 S/PRST/2021/11 This presidential statement addressed the threat posed by improvised explosive devices (IEDs) to peacekeepers, the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on peacekeeping operations and the vaccination rollout to peacekeepers.
Selected Secretary-General's Reports View All
1 May 2023 S/2023/303 This was a report on financing of AU peace support operations mandated by the Security Council.
31 December 2018 S/2018/1183 This was the Secretary-General’s report on UN policing.
5 November 2018 A/73/480 This was the annual report to the C-34.
Selected Security Council Letters View All
3 November 2022 S/2022/827 This was a PBC letter of advice for the Council's 3 November open debate on “Integrating effective resilience - building in peace operations for sustainable peace”.
6 November 2020 S/2020/1092 This letter transmitted the Security Council's annual meeting with the heads of UN police components in UN peace operations. 
28 August 2020 S/2020/856 This was a letter from the president of the Security Council containing the draft resolution in blue about women in peacekeeping operations, the votes submitted by all Council members, and explanations of vote by Indonesia and Russia.
Selected Security Council Meeting Records View All
14 November 2023 S/PV.9475 This document is the Security Council's meeting records on its annual briefing with the heads of police components of UN peace operations.
7 September 2023 S/PV.9413 This was a briefing on peacekeeping reform.
14 November 2022 S/PV.9189 This was the annual briefing of the heads of UN police components.
Selected Security Council Press Statements View All
21 December 2017 SC/13134 This was a statement underscoring the importance that peacekeeping operations endeavour to minimise their impact on the sustainability of the ecosystems where they are deployed, based on sound consideration of the risks, benefits and costs.
Selected General Assembly Documents View All
5 November 2018 A/73/480 This was the annual report to the C-34.
15 March 2018 A/72/19 This was the final report of the C34.
3 November 2017 A/72/573 This was on the implementation of the recommendations of the Special Committee on Peacekeeping Operations.
Selected Notes by the President of the Security Council View All
28 October 2013 S/2013/630 This note of the president of the Council enumerated steps for enhancing cooperation between the Security Council and troop and police-contributing countries.
Selected Reports of the High Representative View All
24 September 2001 S/2001/900 This was a report of the working group on peacekeeping operations.
Selected Reports of the Working Group on Peacekeeping Operations View All
21 December 2017 S/2017/1087 This was the annual report of the working group.
13 February 2017 S/2017/130 This report contained a summary of the discussion of the working group on the use of technology in peacekeeping operations.
29 December 2015 S/2015/1050 This was the annual report of the working group.
Selected Other Documents View All
29 March 2023 United States 11 Point Proposal for Financing AUPSO’s This is the United States eleven point proposal on the A3 draft resolution for financing of African Union led peace support operations in 2018.
29 March 2023 Consensus Paper on Predictable, Adequate, and Sustainable Financing for African Union Peace and Security Activities This is the AU Common position paper progress in the operationalisation of the AU peace fund with the setting up of its governance and management structures.
30 May 2017 Report on the Relevant Provisions of the United Nations Security Council Resolution (UNSCR) 2320 (2016) On United Nations Assessed Contributions for AU-LED Peace Operations Authorized by the Security Council This is an African Union report with the update requested from the African Union (AU) by United Nations Security Council (UNSC) Resolution 2320 of 18 November 2016.