UN Documents for Iraq: Security Council Presidential Statements
Security Council Presidential Statements | Return to full list |
19 February 2019 S/PRST/2019/1 | The Council welcomed the cooperation between Iraq and Kuwait on the issue of missing Kuwaiti and third-country nationals and the return of missing Kuwaiti property, including national archives. |
16 December 2015 S/PRST/2015/25 | This was a presidential statement on trafficking in persons in situations of conflict, with a particular focus on ISIS and the impact on women and children. |
19 November 2014 S/PRST/2014/23 | This was a presidential statement that focused on international cooperation in combating terrorism and addressed the interrelated threats posed by foreign terrorist fighters, violent extremism, Al-Qaida and the Islamic State in Iraq and al-Sham. |
19 September 2014 S/PRST/2014/20 | Welcomed the new Iraqi government and urged international support for Iraq’s fight against ISIS. |
28 July 2014 S/PRST/2014/14 | This presidential statement prohibited illicit oil trade as a source of revenue for terrorists in Iraq and Syria. |
10 January 2014 S/PRST/2014/1 | This was a presidential statement supporting government efforts to address the security situation and condemning attacks perpetrated by Al-Qaida affiliate ISIL. |
15 December 2010 S/PRST/2010/27 | This presidential statement welcomed Iraq's progress in meeting its nonproliferation and disarmament obligations, recognised Iraq's success in closing out remaining contracts in the Oil-for-Food programme and establishing successor arrangements for the DFI, and called on Iraq to quickly fulfill its remaining obligations to Kuwait. |
12 November 2010 S/PRST/2010/23 | This presidential statement welcomed the Iraqi agreement to form a national partnership government. |
26 February 2010 S/PRST/2010/5 | This presidential statement underlined the importance of Iraq’s ratifying the Additional Protocol to the Comprehensive Safeguards Agreement with the IAEA and expressed the Council's willingness to review disarmament-related restrictions on Iraq. |
16 November 2009 S/PRST/2009/30 | This presidential statement reaffirmed support for UNAMI. |
18 June 2009 S/PRST/2009/17 | This presidential statement reaffirmed Council support for the Iraqi government and UNAMI, in particular for helping the return of refugees, promoting dialogue and providing electoral assistance. |
13 April 2007 S/PRST/2007/11 | This presidential statement condemned the terrorist attack that targeted the Iraqi Council of Representatives. |
1 January 2007 Iraq SPRST2007 36 | Iraq SPRST2007 36.pdf... |
29 June 2006 S/PRST/2006/29 | This presidential statement condemned in the strongest possible terms the assassination by terrorists of the members of a Russian diplomatic mission in Iraq. |
24 May 2006 S/PRST/2006/24 | This presidential statement welcomed the inauguration of the Iraqi government. |