UN Documents for Interaction with Regional and other International Organisations: Security Council Meeting Records

Security Council Meeting Records Return to full list
6 June 2016 S/PV.7705 This was the annual meeting on cooperation between the EU and the UN.
24 May 2016 S/PV.7694 This was an open debate on “UN-AU cooperation: Chapter VIII application and the future of the African Peace and Security Architecture”.
29 February 2016 S/PV.7635 The Council was briefed by German Minister of Foreign Affairs Frank-Walter Steinmeier, the chairperson of the OSCE, on the main priorities of the OSCE in 2016 and the crisis in Ukraine.
18 August 2015 S/PV.7505 This was an open debate on regional organisations and contemporary challenges of global security.
18 August 2015 S/PV.7505 (Resumption 1) This was an open debate on regional organisations and contemporary challenges of global security.
11 May 2015 S/PV.7439 This was a briefing on the smuggling of migrants on the Mediterranean Sea.
9 March 2015 S/PV.7402 This was a briefing by the High Representative of the EU for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, Federica Mogherini, on cooperation between the EU and the UN.
24 February 2015 S/PV.7391 This was the meeting record of the briefing by the OSCE Chairperson-in-Office.
16 December 2014 S/PV.7343 This was an open debate on “Peace Operations: The UN-AU Partnership and Its Evolution”.
28 July 2014 S/PV.7228 This was an open debate on UN peacekeeping: regional partnerships and their evolution.
24 February 2014 S/PV.7117 This was a briefing by the Swiss Minister of Foreign Affairs Didier Burkhalter, the Chairperson-in-Office of the Organisation for Security and Co-operation in Europe.
14 February 2014 S/PV.7112 This was a meeting focusing on the Council's cooperation with the EU during which EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Catherine Ashton briefed.
28 October 2013 S/PV.7050 The Council held a briefing on cooperation between the UN and regional and subregional organisations in maintaining international peace and security, focusing on the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation.
6 August 2013 S/PV.7015 The Council held a high-level open debate on cooperation between the UN and regional and subregional organisations.
6 August 2013 S/PV.7015 (Resumption 1) The Council held a high-level open debate on cooperation between the UN and regional and subregional organisations.