UN Documents for Venezuela: Security Council Meeting Records

Security Council Meeting Records Return to full list
9 April 2024 S/PV.9599 This was a communiqué of a private meeting on developments regarding the territorial dispute between Guyana and Venezuela over the Essequibo region in Guyana. The meeting, which was requested by Guyana, was held on 9 April 2024.
10 April 2019 S/PV.8506 This was a Council meeting at the request of the US to discuss the humanitarian situation in Venezuela.
28 February 2019 S/PV.8476 The Council voted on two draft resolutions on Venezuela; one was vetoed by Russia and the other failed to receive enough affirmative votes.
28 February 2019 S/PV.8476 The Council voted on two draft resolutions on Venezuela.
26 February 2019 S/PV.8472 This was a briefing on Venezuela.
26 January 2019 S/PV.8452 This was a Council meeting on the situation in Venezuela at the request of the US.