UN Documents for Lebanon: Secretary-General's Reports

Secretary-General's Reports Return to full list
21 October 2009 S/2009/542 This was a report on resolution 1559.
29 June 2009 S/2009/330 This was the tenth report of the Secretary-General on resolution 1701.
24 April 2009 S/2009/218 This report was on the implementation of resolution 1559.
3 March 2009 S/2009/119 This report was on resolution 1701.
24 February 2009 S/2009/106 The final report of the Secretary-General on the Special Tribunal for Lebanon before it commenced functioning as an independent judicial body on 1 March 2009.
26 November 2008 S/2008/734 This was the third Secretary-General's report on the Special Tribunal for Lebanon.
18 November 2008 S/2008/715 This was a report on resolution 1701.
16 October 2008 S/2008/654 This was a report on implementation of resolution 1559.
25 August 2008 S/2008/582 This was the second LIBAT report.
27 June 2008 S/2008/425 This was a report on resolution 1701.
21 April 2008 S/2008/264 This was a report on resolution 1559.
12 March 2008 S/2008/173 This was a report on the tribunal.
28 February 2008 S/2008/135 This was a report on resolution 1701.
30 October 2007 S/2007/641 This was a report on resolution 1701.
24 October 2007 S/2007/629 This was the sixth semi-annual report of the Secretary-General on resolution 1559.