UN Documents for Appointment of the Secretary-General: General Assembly Documents

General Assembly Documents Return to full list
22 December 1971 A/RES/2903 (XXVI) This resolution appointed Kurt Waldheim.
2 December 1966 A/RES/2161 (XXI) This resolution renewed the appointment of U Thant.
1 November 1966 A/RES/2147 (XXI) This resolution briefly extended the appointment of U Thant.
30 November 1962 A/RES/1771 (XVII) The General Assembly appointed U Thant.
3 November 1961 A/RES/1640 (XVI) This resolution appointed U Thant as Acting Secretary-General.
14 December 1957 A/RES/1229 This resolution renewed appointment of Dag Hammarskjöld.
26 September 1957 A/3682 This letter recommended the renewal of appointment of Dag Hammarskjöld.
7 April 1953 A/RES/709 (VII) This resolution appointed Dag Hammarskjöld.
1 November 1950 A/RES/492 (V) This resolution extended appointment of Trygve Lie for three years, without a Security Council recommendation.
1 February 1946 Resolution 64 II The General Assembly appointed Trygve Lie.
24 January 1946 A/RES/11 (1) This resolution established terms and process for appointment.