UN Documents, all PDFs
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  • 25 January 2018 View: SC/13181

    Abstract: This was a press statement welcoming Somalia's political commitment to security sector, economic and political reforms and the progress made to date,and in which the members of the Security Council agreed that all parties should make 2018 a year of implementation.

  • 25 January 2018 View: SC/13179

    Abstract: This was a press statement welcoming further cooperation and coordination between UNRCCA, the Central Asian States, and relevant regional organisations, including those organisations of which the Central Asian States are members.

  • 25 January 2018 View: S/2018/89

    Abstract: This was the Secretary-General's latest report on the situation in Burundi.

  • 25 January 2018 View: SC/13180

    Abstract: This was a press statement condemning the terrorist attack in Jalalabad targeting an international humanitarian organisation which resulted in at least five people killed and numerous injured.

  • 24 January 2018 View: S/PV.8165

    Abstract: This was a briefing by Special Representative of the Secretary-General Michael Keating and Special Representative of the Chairperson of the AU Commission Francisco Madeira on the situation in Somalia and the latest Secretary-General's report.

  • 24 January 2018 View: SC/13177

    Abstract: This was a press statement welcoming the renewed commitment of the government of Mali and the coalitions of armed groups to the expeditious implementation of all of their remaining obligations under the Agreement on Peace and Reconciliation in Mali by the end of March 2018.

  • 24 January 2018 View: S/2018/66

    Abstract: This letter transmitted the concept note for the 6 February 2018 meeting on working methods.

  • 24 January 2018 View: S/PV.8166

    Abstract: This was a briefing on South Sudan.

  • 23 January 2018 View: S/PV.8163

    Abstract: This was a briefing by Under-Secretary-General for Peacekeeping Operations Jean-Pierre Lacroix on the Secretary-General's latest report on Mali.

  • 23 January 2018 View: S/2018/60

    Abstract: This was the monthly report on the humanitarian situation.

  • 23 January 2018 View: S/PV.8164

    Abstract: This was a meeting held at the request of Russia on the use of chemical weapons in Syria.

  • 22 January 2018 View: SC/13172

    Abstract: This press statement condemned the terrorist attack on the Intercontinental Hotel in Kabul, which resulted in 22 people killed and nine injured.

  • 20 January 2018 View: S/2018/53

    Abstract: This was a letter by Turkey informing the Council of a military operation against PKK-linked terrorist organisations.

  • 19 January 2018 View: S/PRST/2018/2

    Abstract: This presidential statement emphasised the importance of advancing regional, interregional and international cooperation to achieve stability and sustainable development in Afghanistan and the Central Asian region.

  • 19 January 2018 View: S/2018/63

    Abstract: This was a letter in which the Secretary-General requested the extension of the deadline for the submission of the terms of reference for the investigative team to hold ISIL accountable until 9 February 2018.

  • 18 January 2018 View: S/PV.8161

    Abstract: This was a meeting on conflict prevention in which a presidential statement was adopted.

  • 18 January 2018 View: S/PRST/2018/1

    Abstract: This was a presidential statement on conflict prevention stating that a comprehensive conflict prevention strategy should include early warning, preventive deployment, mediation, peacekeeping, non-proliferation, accountability measures, and post-conflict peacebuilding, recognising that these components are interdependent, complementary and non-sequential.

  • 18 January 2018 View: S/PV.8160

    Abstract: This was a high-level briefing on non-proliferation of weapons of mass destruction focused on confidence-building measures. President Nursultan Nazarbayev of Kazakhstan presided and Secretary-General António Guterres briefed.

  • 17 January 2018 View: S/PV.8159

    Abstract: This was a briefing by the Special Representative and head of UNSMIL, Ghassan Salamé, and the co-founder of the CSO Together We Build It, Hajer Sharief. The DPR of Sweden, Irina Schoulgin Nyoni, also briefed the Council on the work of the 1970 Libya Sanctions Committee.

  • 17 January 2018 View: S/PV.8158

    Abstract: This was the briefing on the Council visiting mission to Afghanistan from 12 to 15 January.

  • 16 January 2018 View: SC/13163

    Abstract: This was a press statement calling on all stakeholders to remain committed to the 31 December 2016 Agreement, which remains the only viable path out of the current political situation.

  • 12 January 2018 View: S/2018/37

    Abstract: This was a letter containing the terms of reference for the visiting mission to Afghanistan.

  • 11 January 2018 View: S/PV.8156

    Abstract: This was a briefing by Special Representative and head of UNOWAS Mohamed Ibn Chambas on the Secretary-General's latest report on the region.

  • 10 January 2018 View: SC/13160

    Abstract: This was a press statement in which the Council urged "continued momentum towards full implementation of the peace agreement" with the FARC-EP and hoped that the Colombian government and the ELN would "resume work to agree to a renewal and strengthening of the ceasefire".

  • 10 January 2018 View: S/PV.8154

    Abstract: This was a briefing on the UN Verification Mission in Colombia from Special Representative Jean Arnault focusing on the Secretary-General's recent report on Colombia.

  • 10 January 2018 View: S/PV.8155

    Abstract: This was a briefing by the Under-Secretary-General for Peacekeeping Operations Jean-Pierre Lacroix on the 60-day report of the Secretary-General on UNAMID and on the joint assessment by the Chairperson of the AU Commission and the Secretary-General of phase one of the reconfiguration of UNAMID.

  • 10 January 2018 View: S/2018/35

    Abstract: This was a letter by the US challenging Russia's criticisms of the OPCW Fact-Finding Mission and the JIM.

  • 9 January 2018 View: S/2018/25

    Abstract: This was the latest Secretary-General's report on UNFICYP.

  • 9 January 2018 View: S/PV.8153

    Abstract: This was a briefing on recent developments in the DRC by Under-Secretary-General for Peacekeeping Operations Jean-Pierre Lacroix.

  • 8 January 2018 View: SC/13154

    Abstract: This was a press statement congratulating Liberia for the peaceful conduct of the 26 December 2017 presidential runoff election.

  • 5 January 2018 View: S/2018/16

    Abstract: This was the latest MONUSCO report.

  • 5 January 2018 View: S/PV.8152

    Abstract: This was a public meeting, requested by the US, on the recent protests in Iran.

  • 5 January 2018 View: SC/13153

    Abstract: This was a press release condemning the 4 January terrorist attack in Kabul, Afghanistan, which resulted in at least 15 people killed and 25 injured.

  • 4 January 2018 View: S/2018/12

    Abstract: This was the joint assessment by the Chairperson of the AU Commission and the Secretary-General of phase one of the reconfiguration of UNAMID.

  • 3 January 2018 View: S/2018/34

    Abstract: This was the annual review of the implementation of resolution 1540.

  • 2 January 2018 View: S/2018/2

    Abstract: This was a note by the president that contained a list of chairs of subsidiary bodies.

  • 2 January 2018 View: S/2018/10

    Abstract: This is the summary statement by the Secretary-General of matters of which the Security Council is seized.

  • 28 December 2017 View: S/2017/1125

    Abstract: This was the final report of the Panel of Experts on the Sudan.

  • 28 December 2017 View: SC/13148

    Abstract: This was a press statement condemning the terrorist attacks in Kabul carried out by ISIL in which more than 40 people were killed and 80 injured.

  • 28 December 2017 View: SC/13147

    Abstract: This emphasised the importance of freezing the assets of listed individuals.

  • 27 December 2017 View: S/2017/1117

    Abstract: This was the Secretary-General's first 90-day report on the UN Verification Mission in Colombia.

  • 27 December 2017 View: S/2017/1113

    Abstract: This was the latest 60-day report of the Secretary-General on UNAMID.

  • 27 December 2017 View: S/2017/1119

    Abstract: This was an OPCW report on progress in the elimination of the Syrian chemical weapons programme.

  • 26 December 2017 View: S/2017/1104

    Abstract: This was on UNOWAS and the region.

  • 26 December 2017 View: S/2017/1109

    Abstract: This was the Secretary-General's report on Somalia.

  • 26 December 2017 View: S/2017/1105

    Abstract: This was the Secretary-General's latest report on Mali.

  • 22 December 2017 View: S/2017/1099

    Abstract: This was the Secretary-General's report on Children and Armed Conflict in Myanmar.

  • 22 December 2017 View: S/2018/11

    Abstract: This was a summary of the 2242 Informal Expert Group on Women and Peace and Security meeting on Afghanistan, held on 5 December 2017.

  • 22 December 2017 View: SC/13143

    Abstract: This was a statement condemning the 19 December ballistic missile attack by the Houthis against Riyadh.

  • 22 December 2017 View: S/2017/1078

    Abstract: This was the annual report of the 1518 Sanctions Committee.

  • 22 December 2017 View: S/PV.8151

    Abstract: The Council adopted resolution 2397 tightening sanctions on the DPRK.

  • 22 December 2017 View: S/RES/2397

    Abstract: This was a resolution, adopted unanimously, tightening sanctions on the DPRK.

  • 16 January 2009 View: A/RES/ES-10/18

    Abstract: This resolution decided to temporarily adjourn the tenth emergency special session.

  • 21 December 2017 View: SC/13134

    Abstract: This was a statement underscoring the importance that peacekeeping operations endeavour to minimise their impact on the sustainability of the ecosystems where they are deployed, based on sound consideration of the risks, benefits and costs.

  • 21 December 2017 View: S/2017/1122

    Abstract: This was a letter in which the Secretary-General requested the extension of the deadline for the submission of terms of reference for the investigative team to hold ISIL accountable until 19 January 2018.

  • 21 December 2017 View: S/RES/2396

    Abstract: This was a resolution addressing the threat of foreign terrorist fighters.

  • 21 December 2017 View: S/RES/2395

    Abstract: This resolution renewed the mandate of the Counter-Terrorism Committee Executive Directorate (CTED) until 31 December 2021.

  • 21 December 2017 View: S/RES/2394

    Abstract: This resolution renewed the mandate of UNDOF until 30 June 2018.

  • 21 December 2017 View: S/PV.8145

    Abstract: This was the meeting at which the Council adopted resolution 2394, renewing the mandate of UNDOF until 30 June 2018.

  • 20 December 2017 View: A/RES/72/199

    Abstract: This was a resolution taking note of the Secretary-General's report on the peace and security pillar and supporting his vision for reforms.

  • 20 December 2017 View: S/PV.8144

    Abstract: This was an open debate on "addressing complex contemporary challenges to international peace and security". The Secretary-General covered various security challenges, including nuclear weapons, climate change, terrorism, drug smuggling, human trafficking, conflict prevention and women's participation in sustaining peace.

  • 19 December 2017 View: S/PV.8141

    Abstract: This was a briefing by Staffan de Mistura and Mark Lowcock on the situation in Syria and the meeting at which resolution 2393 was adopted.

  • 19 December 2017 View: S/RES/2393

    Abstract: This resolution renewed the authorisation for cross-border and cross-line aid delivery.

  • 19 December 2017 View: S/PV.8143

    Abstract: This was a briefing by USG for Political Affairs Jeffrey Feltman on the implementation of resolution 2231, which endorsed the JCPOA.

  • 19 December 2017 View: SC/13130

    Abstract: This was a statement welcoming Prime Minister Saad Hariri's return to Lebanon and his decision to continue his term.

  • 18 December 2017 View: S/2017/1060

    Abstract: This was a draft resolution tabled by Egypt on the status of Jerusalem that received 14 affirmative votes but was vetoed by the US.

  • 18 December 2017 View: S/PV.8139

    Abstract: This was the vote on a draft resolution on Jerusalem that was vetoed by the US.

  • 18 December 2017 View: S/PV.8138

    Abstract: This was the fourth report by Mladenov on the implementation of resolution 2334.

  • 18 December 2017 View: S/PV.8140

    Abstract: This was a briefing by High Representative for Disarmament Affairs Izumi Nakamitsu on the spread of small arms, light weapons and their ammunition.

  • 15 December 2017 View: S/2017/1056

    Abstract: This was the Secretary-General's report on UNAMA.