Protection of Civilians

  • Tomorrow (14 September), the Security Council will convene for an open debate on “Advancing public-private humanitarian partnership” under the “Maintenance of international peace and security” agenda item. The meeting, which is one of the signature events of Albania’s September Council...

  • September 2023

    Protection of Civilians 

    Monthly Forecast

    In September, Albania is planning to convene an open debate titled “Advancing Public-Private Humanitarian Partnership” under the “Maintenance of international peace and security” agenda item. Olta Xhaçka, Minister for Europe and Foreign Affairs of Albania, will chair the meeting. The expected briefers are Cindy H. McCain, Executive Director of the World Food Programme (WFP); Eric Schmidt, co-founder of Schmidt Futures—a philanthropic venture that funds science and technology research; Michael Miebach, CEO of Mastercard; and a civil society representative. 

  • Earlier today (3 August), the Security Council adopted a presidential statement on conflict and food insecurity at a ministerial-level open debate on famine and conflict-induced global food insecurity. The US circulated the initial draft presidential statement on Friday (21 July)....

  • August 2023

    Conflict and Food Insecurity

    Monthly Forecast

    In August, the Security Council is expected to hold a high-level open debate on famine and conflict-induced global food insecurity. This is a signature event of the US Council presidency that US Secretary of State Antony Blinken will chair. The Expected briefers are UN Famine Prevention and Response Coordinator Reena Ghelani; Navyn Salem, the founder and CEO of Edesia—a non-profit that combats malnutrition; and President and Chief Executive Officer of the International Rescue Committee, David Miliband.

  • Tomorrow morning (28 July), the Security Council will receive a briefing on UN peacekeeping from Under-Secretary-General for UN Peacekeeping Operations Jean-Pierre Lacroix and the heads of military components of three UN peacekeeping operations: Force Commander of the UN Mission in...

  • On 28 July, Security Council members will hold an informal interactive dialogue (IID) to discuss an OCHA white note on food security risks in Burkina Faso, the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), and Haiti. OCHA Assistant Secretary-General Joyce Msuya,...

  • Tomorrow morning (23 May), the Security Council will hold its annual open debate on the protection of civilians (PoC) in armed conflict. Switzerland, May’s Council President, is convening the debate as a ministerial-level signature event. Secretary-General António Guterres, ICRC President Mirjana Spoljaric...

  • May 2023

    Protection of Civilians

    Monthly Forecast

    In May, the Security Council will hold its annual open debate on the protection of civilians (PoC) in armed conflict. Switzerland, the Council president for the month, is convening the debate as a ministerial-level signature event with an expected focus on food insecurity and the protection of essential services in conflict situations. Secretary-General António Guterres, ICRC President Mirjana Spoljaric Egger, and a female civil society representative are expected to brief. President of the Swiss Confederation Alain Berset will chair the meeting.

  • Tomorrow (22 March), Mozambique and Switzerland will convene a ministerial-level Arria-formula meeting on “Protection of civilians: Achieving a better protection of water-related essential services and infrastructure for the civilian population during armed conflicts”. The Minister of Public Works, Housing and...

  • November 2022

    UN High Commissioner for Refugees 

    Monthly Forecast

    In November, UN High Commissioner for Refugees Filippo Grandi will brief the Council. The briefing will focus on the situation of refugees in several country-specific situations on the Council’s agenda. No outcome is expected. 

  • Tomorrow afternoon (15 September), the Security Council is expected to hold a briefing on armed conflict and food security, under the “Protection of civilians in armed conflict” agenda item. Brazil and Ireland, the Council’s focal points on conflict and hunger,...

  • On Monday morning (6 June), the Security Council will convene for an open briefing on the situation in Ukraine. The focus of the meeting will be on conflict-related sexual violence and human trafficking in the context of the war in...

  • Tomorrow (25 May), the Security Council will hold its annual open debate on the protection of civilians (PoC) in armed conflict. The expected briefers are OCHA’s Director of the Coordination Division Ramesh Rajasingham, International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC)...

  • Tomorrow (24 May) at 4:30 pm EST in the ECOSOC Chamber, Ireland will host an Arria-formula meeting on the protection of journalists. The expected briefers are Irene Khan, UN Special Rapporteur on the promotion and protection of the right to...

  • On Thursday (19 May), the Security Council will hold a ministerial-level open debate on conflict and food security under the agenda item “Maintenance of international peace and security”. US Secretary of State Antony Blinken will chair the meeting. Secretary-General António...