
  • May 2011


    Monthly Forecast

    Council members are expecting a briefing from Special Envoy Terje Rød-Larsen on developments in the implementation of resolution 1559. This resolution, adopted in 2004, urged the disarmament of all Lebanese and non-Lebanese militias and the extension of government control over all Lebanese territory.

  • March 2011


    Monthly Forecast

    In March Council members are expected to hold consultations on the Secretary-General’s report on the implementation of resolution 1701, which in August 2006 called for a cessation of hostilities between Hezbollah and Israel. UN Special Coordinator for Lebanon Michael Williams is expected to brief.

  • 9 February 2011

    Insights on a Council visit to the Middle East

    What's in Blue

    Council members are now consulting with capitals following Russia’s proposal for a Council visit to the Middle East. Yesterday during consultations, Russian Permanent Representative Vitaly Churkin announced a proposed Council visit to Israel and Palestine, Egypt, Syria and Lebanon. Serious...

  • November 2010


    Monthly Forecast

    In November the Council is expected to hold consultations on the Secretary-General’s report on the implementation of resolution 1701, which called for a cessation of hostilities between Hezbollah and Israel in August 2006. UN Special Coordinator for Lebanon Michael Williams is expected to brief.

  • October 2010


    Monthly Forecast

    Council members are expecting a briefing from Special Envoy Terje Rød-Larsen on developments in implementation of resolution 1559 . This resolution, adopted in 2004, urged the disarmament of all Lebanese and non-Lebanese militias and the extension of government control over all Lebanese territory.

  • August 2010


    Monthly Forecast

    In August the Security Council is expected to extend the UNIFIL mandate for a further year. The mandate expires on 31 August. This is the fourth renewal since the cessation of hostilities between Lebanon and Israel in 2006 and it comes at a time of increased tension and uncertainty. Some words from the Council designed to calm the current situation are possible.

  • July 2010


    Monthly Forecast

    In July consultations on the Secretary-General’s report on resolution 1701 are expected. UN Special Coordinator for Lebanon Michael Williams is expected to brief. No formal action is expected in July but members are likely to have in mind the renewal of the UNIFIL mandate, which ends on 31 August.

  • On 26 May Lebanese Prime Minister Saad Hariri will preside over an open meeting of the Security Council on Intercultural Dialogue for Peace and Security (Lebanon holds the presidency this month). Hariri will deliver the opening statement, followed by an address from the Secretary-General.

  • April 2010


    Monthly Forecast

    In April Council members are expecting a briefing from Special Envoy Terje Rød-Larsen in informal consultations on the Secretary-General’s report on resolution 1559. The discussion is likely to focus on disarmament and border issues. But at press time it seemed unlikely that the Council would take any formal action.

  • March 2010


    Monthly Forecast

    Council members are expecting the Secretary-General’s report on resolution 1701 in March which may set the scene for discussion of the Secretariat’s recently completed comprehensive review of UNIFIL. However, the mandate continues until 31 August and it is possible that discussion in the Council will be delayed. The UN Special Coordinator for Lebanon, Michael Williams, is expected to brief. No formal action is expected in March.

  • November 2009


    Monthly Forecast

    The Secretary-General’s next report on resolution 1701, adopted in 2006 at the end of the conflict between Hezbollah and Israel, is due on 31 October.

  • On 27 October the Council is expected to hold consultations on the Secretary-General’s report on the implementation of resolution 1559 and receive a briefing from the Special Envoy for this issue, Terje Rød-Larsen. This resolution, adopted in 2004, urged the disarmament of all Lebanese and non-Lebanese militias and the extension of government control over all Lebanese territory.

  • October 2009


    Monthly Forecast

    The Council is expected to consider in October the Secretary-General’s report on the implementation of resolution 1559. This resolution in 2004 urged the disarmament of all Lebanese and non-Lebanese militias and the extension of government control over all Lebanese territory.

  • August 2009


    Monthly Forecast

    The mandate of the UN Interim Force in Lebanon (UNIFIL) expires on 31 August. The Council is expected to extend it for another year. It seems possible that the recent explosions in southern Lebanon will complicate the negotiation of the text.

  • July 2009


    Monthly Forecast

    A Secretary-General’s report on resolution 1701, which in 2006 called for an end to the conflict between Israel and Hezbollah in Lebanon, is due at the end of June. Council consultations are expected in early July. The focus of Council attention is likely to be the political situation in Lebanon following the recent parliamentary elections.