Security Council Subsidiary Bodies
Expected Council Action
The chairpersons of the subsidiary bodies whose countries will be finishing their term on the Council, are expected to brief the Council in December.
Ambassador Néstor Osorio (Colombia) will brief on the work of the 1591 Sudan Sanctions Committee and the 1737 Iran Sanctions Committee.
Ambassador Hardeep Singh Puri (India) will brief on the work of the 751 and 1907 Somalia and Eritrea Sanctions Committee; the 1373 Counter-Terrorism Committee; and on the working group concerning terrorist activities established by resolution 1566 (2004).
Ambassador Peter Wittig (Germany) will brief on the work of the 1267 and 1989 Al-Qaida Sanctions Committee; the 1988 Afghanistan Sanctions Committee; and the working group on children and armed conflict established by resolution 1612 (2005).
Ambassador José Filipe Moraes Cabral (Portugal) will brief on the work of the 1718 DPRK (North Korea) Sanctions Committee; the 1970 Libya Sanctions Committee; and the informal working group on documentation and other procedural questions which addresses working methods of the Council.
Ambassador Baso Sangqu (South Africa) will brief on the work of the 1540 Committee concerning weapons of mass destruction and on the ad hoc working group on conflict prevention and resolution in Africa.
The meeting may be followed by a press statement.
Council Dynamics
In an annual practice dating back to 2002, chairpersons of subsidiary bodies reflect, in their personal capacity, on the work of the subsidiary bodies that they have chaired. In the past, chairpersons have briefed the Council on the key developments and achievements of the subsidiary bodies in the course of their chairmanships. They have also tried to assess the practical effects the measures may have had on the situations they were meant to address. The briefing sessions have also provided a forum for the chairpersons to share with the Council forward-looking suggestions, based on conclusions drawn from their experience. At times, some have taken the opportunity to assess the working methods and end products of the subsidiary bodies they chaired, as well as provide an assessment of their mandates and resources and suggestions for their modification and improvement.
UN Documents on Subsidiary Bodies
Security Council Meeting Records of Briefings by Outgoing Subsidiary Body Chairs | |
14 December 2011 S/PV.6686 | This was a briefing by the Permanent Representatives of the outgoing members of the Security Council—Bosnia and Herzegovina, Brazil, Gabon, Lebanon and Nigeria—on the work of the subsidiary bodies they had chaired during their two-year tenures. |
20 December 2010 S/PV.6457 | This was an open debate in which the chairmen of subsidiary bodies briefed the Security Council. |
14 December 2009 S/PV.6238 | This was a briefing by outgoing chairs of subsidiary bodies of the Council, including the outgoing chairs of the 1540 Committee and the CTC. |
15 December 2008 S/PV.6043 | This was a briefing by the Chairman of the Sudan Sanctions Committee. |
17 December 2007 S/PV.5806 | This was the record of the open debate in which the chairmen of all counter-terrorism subsidiary bodies briefed the Security Council. |
20 December 2006 S/PV.5601 | This was a record of the Council open briefing by chairpersons of Council subsidiary bodies. |
19 December 2005 S/PV.5332 | These were briefings by chairmen of subsidiary bodies of the Security Council. |
22 December 2004 S/PV.5106 | These were briefings by chairmen of Security Council committees and working groups. |
22 December 2003 S/PV.4888 | These were briefings by chairmen of Security Council committees and working groups. |
18 December 2002 S/PV.4673 | These were the briefings by the Security Council Committees. |