What's In Blue: Africa
A resolution renewing the mandate of the UN Mission on Liberia (UNMIL) was scheduled to be adopted yesterday. However, after the resolution was put in blue on 14 September, a few Council members broke silence resulting in a delay in...
It appears that adoption of the resolution to renew the authorisation of the AU Mission in Somalia (AMISOM), scheduled for tomorrow (16 September), has been postponed following a formal request from the AU Peace and Security Council (PSC). It seems...
Expert level negotiations on a draft resolution on Libya continued today. Yesterday’s meeting led to a revised version being circulated last night and a second negotiation was scheduled for this morning. It seems possible that the draft resolution may be...
This afternoon (14 September) Council members will meet at expert level to discuss a draft resolution on Libya which was circulated by the UK yesterday. Earlier in the week, the permanent members discussed an initial text and it appears that...
Tomorrow (September 14), during a public debate, the Council will be briefed on developments in Somalia and the Secretary-General’s latest report on Somalia by the Secretary-General’s Special Representative, Augustine Mahiga. Somali Prime Minister Abdiweli Mohamed Ali, Special Representative of the...
A number of Council meetings related to the UN mission in Liberia (UNMIL) are expected to take place this week. Tomorrow morning (13 September), the Council will be briefed by the Secretary-General’s Special Representative for Liberia, Ellen Margrethe Løj, on...
Tomorrow (9 September) Council members will be briefed in consultations by Ian Martin, the Secretary-General’s Special Adviser for post-conflict planning in Libya, on his recent visit to Libya where he met with senior NTC representatives. Council members appear keen to...
Tomorrow (8 September) Council members are expecting to be briefed on Sudan and South Sudan by DPKO Assistant Secretary-General, Edmond Mullet, and Deputy Director of the Coordination and Response Division in OCHA, Philippe Lazzarini. The head of the UN Mission...
Tomorrow (30 August) Council members are expected to receive their regular monthly briefing on Libya. It seems that the Secretary-General may brief the Council on the latest developments in Libya. This will be followed by consultations which Council Under-Secretary-General for...
On Friday, 19 August, Council members are expecting a briefing on South Kordofan and Libya from High Commissioner for Human Rights Navi Pillay, Under-Secretary General for Humanitarian Affairs Valerie Amos and a representative from DPA. It seems that there is...
On Thursday, 18 August, the Council will be briefed by video-conference by the head of the UN Regional Office on Central Africa (UNOCA), Abou Moussa. This will be followed by Council consultations on UNOCA. As UNOCA was inaugurated on 2...
Council members are currently negotiating a press statement on South Kordofan. On Monday, Council members were briefed on the situation in Sudan and South Sudan by Under-Secretary Generals for peacekeeping and humanitarian affairs, Alain Le Roy and Valerie Amos. It...
This afternoon (9 August) the Somalia and Eritrea Sanctions Committee will be meeting to discuss the recommendations in the report (S/2011/433) of the sanctions committee’s Monitoring Group on Somalia and Eritrea. (On 29 July, in resolution 2002, the Council renewed...
Council members will continue their focus on the Horn of Africa on Wednesday, 10 August. Augustine Mahiga, the Secretary-General’s Special Representative for Somalia is expected to brief Council members by video conference after which there will be Council consultations. It...
This afternoon Council members will be briefed on Sudan and South Sudan by Under-Secretary Generals for peacekeeping and humanitarian affairs, Alain Le Roy and Valerie Amos. Assistant Secretary-General for Political Affairs Haile Menkerios will also be present. It seems that...