What's In Blue

Posted Wed 29 Jul 2015
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Open Debate: Peace and Security Challenges for Small Island Developing States

Tomorrow morning (30 July), the Council is scheduled to hold an open debate on the peace and security challenges facing small island developing states. UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon, Prime Minister Tuilaepa Sailele Malielegaoi of Samoa, Prime Minister Portia Simpson-Miller of Jamaica, and Jean-Paul Adam, Finance Minister of the Seychelles, are expected to brief. The meeting will be chaired by New Zealand’s Foreign Minister, Murray McCully. At press time, at least 70 delegations, including the members of the Council, were expected to speak at the meeting. No outcome is anticipated at the debate.

The open debate is being conducted at the initiative of New Zealand, Council president for July, which has circulated a concept note highlighting transnational crime and piracy, illicit exploitation of natural resources, and climate change as among the peace and security challenges confronting small island developing states. The note encourages participants “to focus on practical measures” to help these states address their peace and security challenges. For more on the debate, please see our July Forecast brief.

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