What's In Blue

Posted Tue 5 Apr 2011
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Insights on Libya

Although it is not currently on the Council’s provisional programme of work, the Secretary-General has been requested by resolution 1973 to provide a monthly report. It seems that this is likely to be be scheduled towards the end of April. But Libya will not be far from Council members’ minds in the coming days. Members are currently absorbing Monday’s briefing by the Secretary-General’s Special Envoy for Libya, Abdel-Elah Al-Khatib. The public formal meeting was followed by informal consultations with Council members.

In the public briefing, Al-Khatib had emphasised the importance of the international community working together to help the people of Libya find a solution to the conflict. He said that information on the humanitarian situation was limited due to lack of access but expressed concern about civilian protection issues like land-mines, gender-based violence and human rights violations. Al-Khatib during his visit to Libya had met with both Libyan government officials and the chair of the opposition Transitional National Council, Mustafa Abdul Jalil.

During informal consultations Council members discussed a number of issues including a potential ceasefire and political process. Members also discussed whether the coalition air strikes went beyond the mandate of resolution 1973 with some members who had not supported the resolution expressing strong feelings on this issue.

The type of UN presence that might be needed in a post-Qadaffi Libya was also brought up, including the Secretary-General’s offer at the London Conference to lead the coordination of humanitarian assistance and planning for longer-term stabilisation support. However, there were no conclusions on these issues.

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