UN Documents for Yemen: Security Council Letters

Security Council Letters Return to full list
13 June 2019 S/2019/489 This was a letter from Saudi Arabia on a Houthi 12 June attack against Abha International Airport.
10 June 2019 S/2019/485 This was from the Secretary-General, containing a review of UNMHA.
14 May 2019 S/2019/391 This was a letter from Saudi Arabia on the Houthi drone attacks against Saudi oil pumping stations.
20 March 2019 S/2019/253 This was a summary of the 4 March 2019 meeting of the Informal Expert Group on Women, Peace and Security.
31 January 2019 S/2019/99 This was a letter from the permanent representatives of Saudi Arabia, UAE and Yemen regarding the Stockholm Agreement.
9 January 2019 S/2019/29 This expressed the Council’s intention to consider the Secretary-General’s proposal to establish a UN mission to support the Hodeidah Agreement.
31 December 2018 S/2019/28 This was the Secretary-General’s proposal to establish a UN mission to support the Hodeidah Agreement.
20 December 2018 S/2018/1134 This was a letter from the Secretary-General containing the agreements reached during the December 2018 consultations in Sweden.
17 December 2018 S/2018/1121 This was a letter from the government of Yemen outlining its positions for a forthcoming Security Council resolution or product following the consultations in Sweden.
20 November 2018 S/2018/1039 This was from the government of Yemen, objecting to the UK draft resolution that it said undermined resolution 2216 and would negatively impact upcoming consultations in Sweden.
14 September 2018 S/2018/847 This was a letter from the UAE to the Council.
25 July 2018 S/2018/740* This was a letter, reissued for technical reasons, announcing the appointment of the new armed groups expert for the Yemen Panel of experts
6 July 2018 S/2018/675 This was a letter from UAE Minister of State for International Cooperation Reem Al Hashimy with an update on the humanitarian situation and the Coalition's contingency plan for Hodeidah.
19 June 2018 S/2018/618 This was a letter from UAE Minister of State for International Cooperation Reem Al Hashimy on the Coalition's contingency plan to address the humanitarian situation in Hodeidah.
13 June 2018 S/2018/607 This was a letter from the UAE to the Council stating that the UNVIM had not been effective in preventing the transfer of Iranian weapons through Hodeidah port.