UN Documents for Libya: Security Council Letters

Security Council Letters Return to full list
18 September 2024 S/2024/686 This was a letter from the President of the Libyan Presidential Council addressed to the President of the Security Council, requesting that the Council amend sanctions measures it has adopted in order to facilitate coordination and information-sharing among Libyan security forces and strengthen Libya’s counterterrorism and border security capabilities.
5 August 2024 S/2024/591 This was the summary of the IEG’s 25 June meeting on Libya.
14 September 2023 S/2023/673 This letter transmitted the final report of the Panel of Experts on Libya, established pursuant to resolution 1973 of 17 March 2011.
6 August 2021 S/2021/716 This was the letter from the Secretary-General transmitting the strategic review of UNSMIL.
23 June 2021 S/2021/595 This document included the conclusions of the Berlin Conference II on Libya.
19 April 2021 S/2021/382 This contained the draft resolution in blue on the renewal of the mandate of the Panel of Experts, the votes submitted by all Council members and statements by Russia and the US.
19 April 2021 S/2021/380 This was the summary of the Informal Experts Group’s 1 April meeting on Libya.
19 April 2021 S/2021/381 This contained the draft resolution in blue on UN support for the Libyan Ceasefire Monitoring Mechanism, the votes submitted by all Council members and a statement by the US.
13 April 2021 S/2021/353 This contained a 7 April letter from the Secretary-General proposing a “phased deployment for the UNSMIL ceasefire monitoring component, which would require an initial maximum number of 60 monitors”.
26 March 2021 S/2021/292 This contained a record of the statements made during the 24 March meeting on Libya.
19 March 2021 S/2021/281 This letter transmitted a progress report on the proposed ceasefire monitoring arrangements in Libya.
4 February 2021 S/2021/110 This was from the president of the Security Council to the Secretary-General, conveying a request for the establishment and deployment of an advance team to be deployed to Libya in support of the envisioned establishment of a ceasefire monitoring mechanism under the umbrella of UNSMIL, and to report back on the team’s work 45 days from the date of the letter at the latest.
2 February 2021 S/2021/97 This contained the briefing given by Stephanie Williams and the statements given by Council members during the 28 January 2021 meeting on Libya.
21 January 2021 S/2021/70 This was from the Permanent Representative of Libya, containing a letter from the head of the GNA, Faiez Serraj, requesting UN support for the electoral process.
18 January 2021 S/2021/59 This was from the president of the Security Council to the Secretary-General, taking note of the Secretary-General's intention to appoint Ján Kubiš as Special Envoy to Libya and head of UNSMIL.