UN Documents for Kosovo: Security Council Letters
Security Council Letters | Return to full list |
15 April 2021 S/2021/370 | This letter transmitted the transcript of the videoconference briefing on Kosovo. |
23 October 2020 S/2020/1040 | This letter transmitted the transcript of the videoconference briefing on Kosovo. |
28 April 2020 S/2020/339 | This was a letter from the president of the Security Council to the Secretary-General transmitting a copy of the briefing by Zahir Tanin, Special Representative and head of UNMIK, on the latest Secretary-General’s report and the most recent developments. |
18 February 2019 S/2019/153 | This was NATO's report on Kosovo covering the period from 1 October to 31 December 2018. |
14 December 2018 S/2018/1111 | This was a letter by Serbia requesting an emergency meeting on the situation in Kosovo. |
26 November 2018 S/2018/1051 | This letter transmitted the quarterly report on Kosovo Force operations covering the period from 1 April to 30 June 2018. |
8 March 2014 S/2014/165 | This was letter by Serbia regarding formation of Armed Forces of Kosovo. |
30 September 2011 S/2011/604 | This was from Serbia requesting a UN investigation into the 27 September incident. |
14 September 2011 S/2011/575 | This was a letter from Russia requesting an emeregency public meeting of the Council due to border tensions in northern Kosovo. |
13 September 2011 S/2011/574 | This was a letter from Serbia requesting an urgent meeting of the Council due to border tensions in northern Kosovo. |
14 June 2011 S/2011/363 | This was the letter transmitting the most recent report on the NATO force in Kosovo, KFOR, covering the period 1 January to 31 March. |
3 May 2011 S/2011/256 | This transmitted the letter from Serbia to the Secretary-General requesting the creation of an ad hoc mechanism to conduct a criminal investigation into allegations of trafficking of human organs in Kosovo. |
2 July 2010 S/2010/355 | This letter was from the permanent representative of Serbia requesting an urgent meeting on the “serious deterioration” of the security situation in northern Kosovo. |
17 April 2008 S/2008/260 | This was Serbia’s comments on the March UNMIK report. |
17 February 2008 S/2008/108 | This was the letter from Russia transmitting its Foreign Ministry’s statement on Kosovo following the declaration of independence and calling for an immediate emergency meeting of the Council. |