UN Documents for Syria: Human Rights Council Documents
Human Rights Council Documents | Return to full list |
16 June 2016 A/HRC/32/CRP.2 | This was a report of the Commission of Inquiry on Syria, which found that ISIL had committed, and continues to commit, the crime of genocide against the Yazidis. |
16 June 2016 A/HRC/32/CRP.2 | This was a report of the Commission of Inquiry on Syria, which found that ISIL had committed, and continues to commit, the crime of genocide against the Yazidis. |
11 February 2016 A/HRC/31/68 | The 11th report of the Commission of Inquiry on Syria. |
3 February 2016 A/HRC/31/CRP.1 | The Commission of Inquiry's thematic report, Out of Sight, Out of Mind: Deaths in Detention in the Syrian Arab Republic, examines the killing of detainees by all parties. |
1 October 2015 A/HRC/RES/30/10 | Was a resolution condemning the violation of human rights in Syria with 29 votes in favour, six against (including Security Council members Russia, China and Venezuela) and 12 abstentions, including Security Council member Nigeria. |
13 August 2015 A/HRC/30/48 | The 10th report of the Commission of Inquiry on Syria. |
2 July 2015 A/HRC/RES/29/16 | This was a Human Rights Council resolution on the grave and deteriorating human rights and humanitarian situation in Syria. The vote was 29 in favour, six against (including Security Council members China, Russia and Venezuela) and 12 abstentions. |
23 June 2015 A/HRC/29/CRP.3 | This was an oral update of the Commission of Inquiry on Syria. |
27 March 2015 A/HRC/RES/28/20 | This was a Human Rights Council resolution extending the mandate of the Commission of Inquiry on Syria for another year. |
5 February 2015 A/HRC/28/69 | This was the ninth report of the Commission of Inquiry on Syria. |
25 September 2014 A/HRC/RES/27/16 | This was a Human Rights Council resolution that strongly condemned the lack of cooperation by the Syrian authorities with the Commission of Inquiry and decided to transmit all of the Commission’s reports to the General Assembly and the Secretary-General for “appropriate action”. Current Security Council members Argentina, Chile, France, the Republic of Korea, the UK and US voted in favour of the resolution with Russia and China voting against. |
13 August 2014 A/HRC/27/60 | This was the eighth report of the Commission of Inquiry on Syria. |
27 June 2014 A/HRC/RES/26/23 | Condemned all violations and abuses committed against the Syrian civilian population and demanded Syria’s cooperation with the Commission of Inquiry. |
16 June 2014 A/HRC/26/CRP.2 | This was an oral update of the Independent International Commission of Inquiry on Syria covering the period 15 March to 15 June 2014. |
28 March 2014 A/HRC/RES/25/23 | The was a Human Rights Council resolution to extend the mandate of the Commission of Inquiry for a year. |