UN Documents for Small Arms: General Assembly Documents

General Assembly Documents Return to full list
16 August 2009 A/AC.277/2009/L.4/Rev.1 This was a draft report of the Open-ended Working Group towards an Arms Trade Treaty: establishing common international standards for the import, export and transfer of conventional arms.
24 December 2008 A/RES/63/240 This resolution endorsed action against the illicit trafficking of arms through an arms trade treaty.
17 October 2008 A/C.1/63/L.39 This resolution established an open-ended working group to consider where consensus could be developed for an eventual legally binding treaty on the import, export and transfer of conventional arms
16 October 2008 A/C.1/63/L.23 This was the draft resolution on the link between disarmament and development adopted by the General Assembly First Committee.
26 August 2008 A/63/334 These were the reports of the group of governmental experts to examine the parameters for an arms trade treaty.
11 August 2008 A/63/279 This was a report of the Secretary-General on the work of the Advisory Board on Disarmament Matters.
28 July 2008 A/63/182 This was the report of the group of governmental experts on ammunitions.
14 December 2007 A/62/163/Corr.1 This was the corrigendum of the report of the group of experts on illicit brokering.
30 August 2007 A/62/163 This was a report from the group of governmental experts on how to enhance international cooperation in combating and illicit brokering.
6 December 2006 A/RES/61/89 This was a resolution requesting the Secretary-General to seek the views of member states on a legally binding instrument establishing common international standards for the import, export and transfer of conventional arms, to submit a report and to establish a group of governmental experts, commencing in 2008. The report will be submitted to the General Assembly for consideration at its 63rd session.
6 December 2006 A/RES/61/72 This was a resolution requesting the Secretary-General to seek the views of member states regarding the risks arising from the accumulation of conventional ammunition stockpiles in surplus and regarding national ways of strengthening controls on conventional ammunition. It also requested the Secretary-General to submit a report to be transmitted to the General Assembly for consideration at its 63rd session and to establish a group of governmental experts to consider commencing no later than 2008 further steps to enhance cooperation on this issue.
6 December 2006 A/RES/61/66 This was a resolution calling upon states to implement the International Tracing Instrument and decided that consideration of its implementation shall be held within the framework of the July 2008 Biennial Meeting of States.
2 March 2006 A/60/705 This was a report .of the Secretary-General on DDR
8 December 2005 A/RES/60/81 This was a resolution recognizing that illicit brokering in small arms was a serious problem and establishing a group of governmental experts to consider further steps to enhance international cooperation in preventing, combating and eradicating illicit brokering in small arms.
12 October 2005 A/C.1/60/L.55 This was an international instrument (adopted by the General Assembly on 8 December 2008) to enable states to identify and trace, in a timely and reliable manner, illicit small arms and light weapons.