In May, the Council is expecting the Secretary-General’s report on Darfur. It is likely to receive a briefing by the head of UN peacekeeping, Alain Le Roy, and discuss the report in consultations. The Council will also be following closely wider events in Sudan including the aftermath of the April elections and the issues between North and South Sudan. Read more
Lebanon will preside over the Council in May, in what promises to be a very busy month, with mandates of four operations up for renewal, a Council trip to the DRC (postponed from April), an open debate and a large... Read more
DPRK (North Korea)
In May the chair of the DPRK Sanctions Committee is expected to brief the Council and the final report of the Panel of Experts which assists the Committee is due in early May. No substantive Council decision is expected, however, the mandate of the panel expires on 12 June. Read more
In May, the head of BINUB, Charles Petrie, will brief the Council. Municipal elections are scheduled for 21 May, presidential elections for 28 June, legislative elections for 23 July, senatorial elections for 28 July and collines (Burundi’s smallest administrative units) on 7 September. No formal Council action is expected. The mandate of BINUB expires on 31 December. Read more
The chairs of the three counter-terrorism-related committees (the 1267 Committee, the CTC and the 1540 Committee) are due to brief the Council in May. The briefing will likely be followed by an open debate. The chairs of the three committees brief the Council jointly twice each year. The last briefing was in November 2009. No Council decision is expected. Read more
Bosnia and Herzegovina
In May the Council expects a report from the High Representative for Bosnia and Herzegovina, Valentin Inzko of Austria, on implementation of the 1995 Dayton Peace Agreement. The Council is scheduled to hold a debate with a briefing by Inzko. No decisions are expected. EUFOR’s mandate expires on 18 November. Read more
In May the Secretary-General’s Special Representative and head of UNMIK, Lamberto Zannier, is scheduled to brief the Council. (This was expected in April when the Secretary-General’s latest report was issued but it was postponed.) Read more
The Council is likely to renew but modify the mandate of MINURCAT, the peacekeeping operation in Chad and CAR which was rolled over until 15 May. A report from the Secretary-General on MINURCAT is due. A briefing by the head of UN peacekeeping, Alain Le Roy, is likely. Read more
Democratic Republic of the Congo
The mandate of the UN peacekeeping mission in the DRC expires on 31 May. Reaching an agreement with the government on MONUC’s eventual withdrawal and its role in security sector reform are key unresolved issues. Read more
Status Update
Status Update of Security Council Activity in April 2010. Read more
The Council is expecting the Secretary-General's regular ninety-day report on UNAMI in May. A briefing by Special Representative Ad Melkert is likely. At time of writing it seemed unlikely that there would be any Council action. UNAMI’s mandate expires 6 August. Read more
In May the Council is expected to discuss the Secretary-General’s report on resolution 1909 that renewed the mandate of UNMIN until 15 May. In it the Council called for UNMIN to make the “necessary arrangements…for its withdrawal, including handing over any residual monitoring responsibilities”. The head of UNMIN, Karin Landgren is likely to brief the Council. Read more
The P5 plus Germany are still working on elements for a draft resolution to impose additional sanctions on Iran in response to the country's non-compliance with IAEA and Council decisions. It seems likely that the Council as a whole will consider the Iran nuclear issue in May. Read more
In May the Council is expected to discuss the Secretary-General’s Somalia report, due at the beginning of the month, and review progress in Somalia in light of the “three-phased approach” endorsed by the Council in May 2009. Special Representative Ahmedou Ould-Abdallah is likely to brief the Council. Read more
Côte d’Ivoire
In May the Council is expected to consider the Secretary-General’s report on UNOCI and to renew the mandate of the mission, which expires on 31 May. At press time it was not certain whether the head of UNOCI, Choi Young-jin, would brief the Council. Read more
Notable Dates
Notable dates for May 2010. Read more
Aide Memoire
Important matters pending include: A biennial report by the Secretary-General on small arms requested on 29 June 2007 in a presidential statement (S/PRST/2007/24) is yet to be produced for 2010. The last report on small arms was published in April... Read more