Status Update
Status Update of Security Council Activity in March 2007. Read more
Notable Dates
Notable dates for April 2007. Read more
Aide Memoire
Important matters pending before the Council include: Implementation of the phased approach for Darfur as agreed in Abuja in November 2006 is lagging. In early March, Sudan responded to the heavy support package with a large number of objections. A more... Read more
Democratic Republic of the Congo
The Council is expected to renew the mandate of the UN Mission in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (MONUC) by 15 April. It is unclear whether downsizing will be mandated. A further technical rollover is an option. Read more
The Council is expected to consider the Secretary-General's first report on the UN Integrated Office in Burundi (BINUB). The Secretary-General's Executive Representative for Burundi, Youssef Mahmoud, may also brief the Council. No formal action is expected, but a press statement is a possible outcome. BINUB's mandate expires on 31 December. Read more
DPRK (North Korea)
The Sanctions Committee on the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (the DPRK, or North Korea) will give its second briefing to the Council in April. Resolution 1718, which in October expressed grave concern over North Korea's nuclear test and set up the Sanctions Committee, requires a report every ninety days. Read more
Martti Ahtisaari, the Secretary-General's Special Envoy for the Future Status Process for Kosovo, completed his final recommendations in late March. On 26 March, the Secretary-General transmitted Ahtisaari's final proposal to the Council along with Ahtisaari's conclusions and recommendations and his own letter supportive of both documents. In early April Ahtisaari is expected to present both documents in closed consultations of the Council. Read more
The Council expects the report of the Secretary-General on Somalia, due by 20 April. It is likely to include:developments on an all-inclusive political process and reconciliation; and recommendations on the UN's further engagement in Somalia, stabilisation and reconstruction and possibly the feasibility of transition from the AU Mission in Somalia (AMISOM) to a UN operation. Read more
The Council is expected to continue discussions of the proposed UN operation in Chad and the Central African Republic (CAR). Members seem to have adopted a wait-and-see approach for the time being, as Chad and the Secretariat are expected to consult with a view to agreement on the proposed operation's size and structure. Read more
Western Sahara
The mandate of the UN Mission for the Referendum in Western Sahara (MINURSO) expires on 31 April. The Council is expected to renew it for six months and to discuss the report of the Secretary-General on MINURSO, which is due mid-April. The Council might also discuss a Moroccan plan for extended autonomy to Western Sahara. Read more
The Council is expected to take up Lebanon twice during April. Consultations on the Secretary-General's report on the implementation of resolution 1701were postponed from March to early April, so as to hear the Secretary-General's account of his visit to the region. For further details visit our March Forecast. In the second half of April, the Council is expecting the Secretary-General's report on implementation of resolution 1559. Read more
The United Kingdom will preside over the Council in April. It is unclear whether any thematic debates will take place. Press reports have indicated a possibility of the Council’s holding a thematic debate on the impact of climate change on... Read more
The Council is expected to take up in April a response to Sudan's negative stance on peacekeeping in Darfur. A briefing by Under Secretary-General John Holmes on his visit to the region on 21-22 March may also stress the rapidly deteriorating humanitarian situation. At press time, members were awaiting results of a number of diplomatic initiatives. Read more