Non-Proliferation (1540 Committee)
Expected Council Action
In March, the chair of the 1540 Committee, Ambassador Sacha Sergio Llorentty Solíz (Bolivia), who succeeded Ambassador Román Oyarzun (Spain) on 1 January, is scheduled to brief the Council on the work of the Committee, which deals with the non-proliferation of weapons of mass destruction.
Key Recent Developments
On 15 December 2016, the Council held a high-level debate titled “Preventing Catastrophe: A Global Agenda for Stopping the Proliferation of Weapons of Mass Destruction by Non-State Actors”, to mark the conclusion of the second comprehensive review of the status of implementation of resolution 1540. The Council adopted resolution 2325, endorsing the review and noting the findings and recommendations of its final report.
Resolution 2325 calls on states to implement fully and effectively resolution 1540 and to submit national implementation reports, while encouraging the submission of voluntary national implementation action plans and the designation of national points of contact. It reiterates many of the main points of resolution 1977, which endorsed the first comprehensive review, but also contains some new elements, including provisions on the importance of taking into account the particular circumstances of states and prioritising efforts and resources where they are most needed, and the need to consider the evolving nature of proliferation risks and rapid advances in science and technology. On the issue of assistance, the resolution calls for more of a regional approach, including the holding of regional assistance conferences. It also calls for enhanced cooperation between the Committee and relevant international, regional and sub-regional organisations, including regular meetings to share information and experiences.
In a clarification of the reporting cycle for the 1540 Committee, the resolution decides that the Committee shall brief the Council in the first quarter of each year, in addition to a joint briefing once a year with the 1267/1989/2253 Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) (Da’esh) and Al-Qaida Sanctions Committee and the 1373 Counter-Terrorism Committee. The resolution also requests the Committee to consider “the efficiency and effectiveness” of its administrative support structures on the basis of the comprehensive review report, and encourages it to report to the Council on its findings “within 2017 as appropriate”.
Since the December debate, the Committee has held one meeting, on 31 January, to discuss its programme of work for the period of 1 February 2017-31 January 2018, which was subsequently submitted to the Council on 10 February. As before, the programme is organised around the four main themes of monitoring and national implementation; assistance; cooperation with international organisations and other relevant UN bodies; and transparency and media outreach, while reflecting the Committee’s role in the implementation of resolution 2325.
Security Council Resolutions | |
15 December 2016 S/RES/2325 | This was a resolution on the 1540 Committee. |
20 April 2011 S/RES/1977 | This resolution renewed the mandate of the 1540 committee for 10 years. The committee was requested to conduct a comprehensive review of the status of implementation of resolution 1540 and recommend any necessary adjustments to its mandate every five years. The committee was also asked to consider by 31 August the feasibility of a coordination and leadership post for the group of experts, as well as the expertise and broad geographical representation required for the group of experts. In addition, the Council decided that the committee should submit an annual programme of work to the Council before the end of each May, with the next due by 31 May 2011. |
Other | |
10 February 2017 S/2017/126 | This was the 1540 Committee’s programme of work. |
14 December 2016 S/PV.7837 | This was an open debate titled, “Preventing Catastrophe: A Global Agenda for Stopping the Proliferation of Weapons of Mass Destruction to Non-State Actors”. |
9 December 2016 S/2016/1038 | This was the final document on the 2016 comprehensive review of the status of implementation of resolution 1540. |