Notable Dates
Important Dates over the Horizon
Reports Due for Consideration in July |
Relevant Document |
late June |
The Lebanon Independent Border Assessment Team (LIBAT) report |
S/PRST/2007/12 |
late June |
SG quarterly report on the implementation of resolution 1701 (Lebanon) |
S/PRST/2006/52 |
late June |
SG report on Somalia including progress on a national reconciliation conference and contingency planning for a possible UN peacekeeping mission |
S/PRST/2007/13 |
30 June |
SG progress report on terminating Iraq’s oil-for-food programme |
30 June |
SG report on the status and progress of the negotiations on Western Sahara |
30 June |
SG quarterly report on the UN Mission in Liberia including drawdown plans (UNMIL) |
S/RES/1750 |
10 July |
Group of Experts report to the DRC Sanctions Committee |
13 July |
SG quarterly report on the UN Mission in Georgia (UNOMIG) |
S/RES/1752 |
mid July |
Monitoring Group report of the Somalia Sanctions Committee |
S/RES/1724 |
15 July | Commissioner’s report on the UN International Independent Investigation Commission (UNIIIC), every four months | S/RES/1748 |
20 July | SG quarterly report on the UN Mission in Ethiopia and Eritrea (UNMEE) | S/RES/1741 |
23 July | SG report on the UN Mission in Nepal (UNMIN), every four months | S/RES/1740 |
31 July | SG quarterly report on the UN Mission in Sudan (UNMIS) | S/RES/1755 |
31 July | SG monthly report on Darfur | S/RES/1590 |
July 2007 |
Mandates Expire |
26 July |
Monitoring Group of the Somalia Sanctions Committee |
31 July |
31 July |
Group of Experts of the DRC Sanctions Committee and the DRC sanctions regime |
July 2007 |
Other Important Dates |
1-2 July |
AU Summit in Ghana |
2-3 July |
An International Peace Conference on Afghanistan will be held in Rome, the Secretary-General will attend. | |
5-6 July | The UN Global Compact Leaders Summit will be held in Geneva. | |
mid-July | A Somali national reconciliation conference in Mogadishu is tentatively scheduled for mid-July, previously postponed twice from 14 June and 16 April. The AU mandate of its peacekeeping mission in Somalia (AMISOM) expires. | |
Also expected in July:
Important Dates over the Horizon
- Presidential and legislative elections in Sierra Leone are expected 11 August.
- UN-sponsored talks on Western Sahara between Morocco and Frente Polisario are expected to resume in the second week of August.
- The General Assembly will convene on 25 September.
- There are media reports that Nabih Berri, the parliamentary president, will convene the Lebanese parliament on 25 September to elect a new president of Lebanon.
- The Secretary-General’s next reports on the thematic issues of Protection of Civilians in Armed Conflict and Women, Peace & Security are expected by October.
- The constituent assembly elections in Nepal are expected 22 November, postponed from 20 June.
- Parliamentary elections in Kosovo are expected in late 2007.
- A workshop on security sector reform, a joint initiative of Slovakia and South Africa, is being planned for later in 2007 in Africa.
- Presidential elections in Côte d’Ivoire are now expected by January 2008, postponed from 31 October.