July 2007 Monthly Forecast

Posted 28 June 2007
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Notable Dates

Important Dates over the Horizon

Reports Due for Consideration in July

Relevant Document

late June

The Lebanon Independent Border Assessment Team (LIBAT) report


late June

SG quarterly report on the implementation of resolution 1701 (Lebanon)


late June

SG report on Somalia including progress on a national reconciliation conference and contingency planning for a possible UN peacekeeping mission


30 June

SG progress report on terminating Iraq’s oil-for-food programme


30 June

SG report on the status and progress of the negotiations on Western Sahara


30 June

SG quarterly report on the UN Mission in Liberia including drawdown plans (UNMIL)


10 July

Group of Experts report to the DRC Sanctions Committee


13 July

SG quarterly report on the UN Mission in Georgia (UNOMIG)


mid July

Monitoring Group report of the Somalia Sanctions Committee

15 July Commissioner’s report on the UN International Independent Investigation Commission (UNIIIC), every four months S/RES/1748
20 July SG quarterly report on the UN Mission in Ethiopia and Eritrea (UNMEE) S/RES/1741
23 July SG report on the UN Mission in Nepal (UNMIN), every four months S/RES/1740
31 July SG quarterly report on the UN Mission in Sudan (UNMIS) S/RES/1755
31 July SG monthly report on Darfur S/RES/1590

July 2007

Mandates Expire

Relevant Document

26 July

Monitoring Group of the Somalia Sanctions Committee


31 July



31 July

Group of Experts of the DRC Sanctions Committee and the DRC sanctions regime


July 2007

Other Important Dates

1-2 July

AU Summit in Ghana

2-3 July

An International Peace Conference on Afghanistan will be held in Rome, the Secretary-General will attend.
5-6 July The UN Global Compact Leaders Summit will be held in Geneva.
mid-July A Somali national reconciliation conference in Mogadishu is tentatively scheduled for mid-July, previously postponed twice from 14 June and 16 April. The AU mandate of its peacekeeping mission in Somalia (AMISOM) expires.

Also expected in July:

  • The Chair of the North Korea Sanctions Committee, Ambassador Marcello Spatafora of Italy, will brief the Council in mid-July.
  • The sixth round of six-party talks is expected to resume in July if North Korea shuts down its Yongbyon reactor.
  • In mid-July France will host an informal meeting between Lebanese factions to revive the political dialogue.
  • There are media reports that the Government of Sudan has promised demarcation of the north-south border, perhaps as early as July.

Important Dates over the Horizon

  • Presidential and legislative elections in Sierra Leone are expected 11 August.
  • UN-sponsored talks on Western Sahara between Morocco and Frente Polisario are expected to resume in the second week of August.
  • The General Assembly will convene on 25 September.
  • There are media reports that Nabih Berri, the parliamentary president, will convene the Lebanese parliament on 25 September to elect a new president of Lebanon.
  • The Secretary-General’s next reports on the thematic issues of Protection of Civilians in Armed Conflict and Women, Peace & Security are expected by October.
  • The constituent assembly elections in Nepal are expected 22 November, postponed from 20 June.
  • Parliamentary elections in Kosovo are expected in late 2007.
  • A workshop on security sector reform, a joint initiative of Slovakia and South Africa, is being planned for later in 2007 in Africa.
  • Presidential elections in Côte d’Ivoire are now expected by January 2008, postponed from 31 October.

Full forecast


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