July 2007 Monthly Forecast

Posted 28 June 2007
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Status Update

Recent developments on the situations covered in this Forecast are addressed in the relevant briefs.  Interesting developments in the Council in June on other issues included:

Middle East: The Secretary-General briefed the Council on 1 June after a meeting with the Quartet.  On 20 June, Special Coordinator Michael Williams briefed the Council condemning violence in Gaza, calling for measures to avoid isolation and urging support for Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas.

Sierra Leone: Top officials of the Special Court for Sierra Leone attended the debate in the Council on 8 June. They indicated that funding was likely to run out by November (SC/9037).

Iraq: On 13 June the Council reviewed the mandate of the Multinational Force (MNF) as set forward in resolution 1723.  A briefing by UNMOVIC and by the IAEA, followed by a debate in which Iraq may participate, is scheduled for 29 June. A draft resolution sponsored by the US and the UK terminating the UNMOVIC and IAEA mandates in Iraq is likely to be adopted.

Liberia: A Panel of Experts report (S/2007/340) noted that Charles Taylor still had access to considerable funds.  Resolution 1760 requested the Panel to investigate violations to the sanctions regime, with special focus on Taylor.

Council Visiting Mission: From 14 to 21 June the Council mission to Africa visited Addis Ababa, Khartoum, Accra, Abidjan and Kinshasa.

Cyprus: On 15 June in resolution 1758 the Council renewed the mandate of UNFICYP until 15 December, expressing concern that the process of reaching a final solution has been at a standstill for too long.

International Criminal Tribunals: On 18 June the ICTY and ICTR briefed the Council on their respective completion strategies (S/2007/283 and 323). The ICTY noted that Serbia’s cooperation had improved, but failure to hand over Mladic and Karadzic was undermining the Tribunal’s efforts.  The ICTR told the Council it had made the first request for transferring a case to Rwanda.

Côte d’Ivoire: A Council meeting with President Laurent Gbagbo on 19 June calmed concerns that the UN would be blocked from supervising elections. Resolution 1761 renewed the mandate of the Côte d’Ivoire Group of Experts.   On 29 June the Council is expected to renew the UNOCI mandate.

Golan Heights: On 20 June the Council renewed UNDOF until 31 December in resolution 1759 and issued the standard presidential statement stating that the situation in the Middle East remains tense and will remain so until a comprehensive settlement can be reached (S/PRST/2007/20).

Burundi: On 21 June the Council welcomed the talks between the Government of Burundi and Forces nationales de liberation in a press statement (SC/9056).

Protection of Civilians in Armed Conflict: The Council held an open debate on the protection of civilians in armed conflict on 22 June (SC/9057 and S/PV.5703).

Natural Resources and Conflict: On 25 June the Council held an open debate on natural resources and conflict (S/PRST/2007/22 and S/PV.5705).

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