Aide Memoire
Important matters pending for the Council are:
Three requests from the 2005 World Summit related to the Council’s work have seen no recent progress. The Summit requested “fair and clear procedures for listing and de-listing individuals for targeted sanctions”. Action is still awaited. Reforms to the Military Staff Committee have yet to be addressed. Council members established in May an ad hoc committee on mandate review to conduct the review of Security Council mandates called for by the Summit. By end of June, the committee made several minor recommendations on some preliminary issues but they are still to be considered by the Council, and the Committee has not yet made progress on the major issues.
The Secretary-General’s report on the protection of civilians in camps in Chad and on improving security along the border with Sudan requested in August in resolution 1706 is still pending. (The report is now expected to be issued in mid-December, incorporating the results of the Central African Republic/Chad assessment mission.)
The Council is still to consider possible individual sanctions under resolutions 1649 and 1698, as envisaged in the Secretary-General’s 22 May report on foreign armed groups in the DRC. The Secretary-General’s observations on sanctions against individuals obstructing action by MONUC, requested in resolution 1698, are still pending. (It is possible that they will be presented in the next reports from MONUC in January and the Group of Experts in December.)
On Uganda, the Special Envoy is still to be appointed.
A draft resolution on Small Arms circulated by Argentina in March 2006 has not been adopted and due to lack of consensus despite vigorous efforts by Argentina to bring this matter to fruition before the country leaves the Council at the end of the month.
In October 2004 the Council requested a report on the practical steps the UN could take to strengthen its action in support of transitional justice and the rule of law in conflict and post-conflict situations. This has not been submitted.
The December 2004 report by the Secretary-General on human rights violations in Côte d’Ivoire, requested by a presidential statement, has still not been made public. Also on Côte d’Ivoire, the December 2005 report by the Secretary-General’s Special Adviser on the Prevention of Genocide has not been published.