
  • 3 December 2008

    Update Report No. 1: Terrorism

    Update Report

    As Council president in December (and also Chair of the Security Council Counter-Terrorism Committee), Croatia will convene a high-level open debate on 9 December on “Global Security and International Terrorism”. Croatian president Stjepan Mesić is expected to preside, and other leaders have been invited to

  • November 2008


    Monthly Forecast

    he chairs of the Counter-Terrorism Committee (CTC, established under resolution 1373), the Al-Qaida and Taliban Sanctions Committee (the 1267 Committee), and the 1540 Committee (non-proliferation of weapons of mass destruction) are expected to address the Council in an open briefing in November. The chairs brief the Council twice a year. No formal outcome is expected but an open debate is possible.

  • The Security Council intends to adopt a resolution by 30 June that would lead to states releasing publicly information on why a person or entity is placed on a sanctions list by the 1267 Committee on Al Qaida and the Taliban. In a move towards transparency, the resolution may also direct the Committee, composed of all 15 

  • June 2008

    Counter-Terrorism: Al-Qaida and Taliban

    Monthly Forecast

    The Council is expected to renew the mandate of the Analytical Support and Sanctions Monitoring Team, which analyses the implementation of embargoes imposed on Al-Qaida and the Taliban, and assists the 1267 Committee. The Council may adopt changes in how its list of individuals and entities under sanctions is compiled and may discuss proposals to improve the process for delisting individuals. (Four European nations have raised concerns about lack of due process before the resolution is adopted.) The Council may also consider recommendations in a report by the Monitoring Team.

  • Twice a year the Council is briefed by the chairs of its three counter-terrorism committees. The next briefing is expected on 6 May when the chairs of the Al-Qaida and Taliban Sanctions Committee (the 1267 Committee), the Counter-Terrorism Committee (CTC, established under resolution 1373) and the 1540 Committee (non-proliferation of weapons of mass destruction) will address the Council. The joint briefings started in April 2005 and usually include a debate extended to all UN member states. No formal outcome is expected.

  • The Council is expected to extend the mandate of the Counter-Terrorism Committee Executive Directorate (CTED) before it expires on 31 March, and to approve its new organisational plan.

  • February 2008

    Counter-Terrorism Executive Directorate

    Monthly Forecast

    The report of the executive director of theCounter-Terrorism Committee Executive Directorate (CTED) pursuant to resolution 1787, which extended the CTED’s mandate until 31 March, will provide the framework for an in-depth review of the CTED by the Council. 

  • November 2007

    Counter-Terrorism: Briefings to the Council

    Monthly Forecast

    Twice a year the chairs of the Security Council's three counter-terrorism committees brief the Council. The next briefing is due in November when the chairs of the Counter-Terrorism Committee, the Weapons of Mass Destruction and Terrorism Committee and the Al-Qaida and Taliban Sanctions Committee will address the Council.

  • Upcoming Issues in Sanctions and Counter-Terrorism Committees

  • On 20 December the Council adopted a presidential statement completing its review of the Counter-Terrorism Executive Directorate (CTED). Its review was undertaken on the basis of a report by the Counter-Terrorism Committee (CTC). The outcome does not bode well for the future of the CTED which must now prove that it can live up to the original expectations of providing support to the CTC on combating terrorism.

  • The Secretary-General's report Uniting against Terrorism: Recommendations for Global Counterterrorism Strategy of 27 April 2006 (A/60/825), is another in a series of subject-specific responses to the 2005 World Summit Outcome.

  • The 1267 Committee (the Al-Qaida/Taliban Sanctions Committee) is actively working on the recommendations submitted in its Monitoring Team's report of 10 March. Proposals for improving the listing and delisting process, which have been under consideration for some time, will continue to be discussed in the committee

  • April 2006

    Counter-Terrorism Committee

    Monthly Forecast

    The Counter-Terrorism Committee (CTC) and its Counter-Terrorism Executive Directorate (CTED) have a number of outstanding issues that have been pending for a while and require specific decisions by the CTC.

  • In December the Chairman of the Sanctions Committee created by resolution 1267 (Al-Qaida/Taliban), submitted two letters to the Security Council (S/2005/760 and S/2005/761).

  • December 2005

    Counter-Terrorism Committee Issues

    Monthly Forecast

    The Counter-Terrorism Executive Directorate (CTED), which has been fully staffed as of 6 September 2005, has not yet been declared "operational" by the Counter-Terrorism Committee (CTC) and the Secretary-General. This is expected in the context of preparation by the CTC and the Secretary-General for the Council's comprehensive review of the CTED, which is due before 31 December 2005.